Herzlich willkommen bei der

Evangelisch-Freikirchlichen Gemeinde Berlin-Tempelhof



Advent, Advent… Am 16. Dezember sind alle herzlich eingeladen, auf dem Gemeindegrundstück Advent zu feiern. In der Zeit von 15 bis 18 Uhr brennen die

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About us

We are a church rooted and united in God's love, bringing Jesus Christ to people of every stage of life, color, nationality and religion.


Know more about the vision of our church

Mission Statement

Learn more about our missionary statement


Learn about the history of Berlin's oldest baptist church

Verse of the day

Losung des Tages
Die heutige Losung

Die diesjärige Datei mit den Losungen konnte nicht gefunden werden. Weitere Infos in der ReadMe.md des Plugins.


In our calender you can check the upcoming events.


Here you can find the sermon of our latest service

Self Help

We operate an alcohol-free cafeteria in our self-help center "Lichtblicke", which is currently open Mondays through Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Due to Corona restrictions, only drinks are served at this time.Due to Corona restrictions, only drinks are served at this time.

Self-help groups will meet starting at 6 p.m.

„Im Herzen eines jeden Menschen gibt es eine Leere, die nur Gott durch seinen Sohn Jesus Christus füllen kann.“

Blaise Pascal